Health Hub

Having a Dry July has great health benefits. We've brought together a collection of articles that could help you with your Dry July.

What is a Balanced Diet

By Warren Maginn on

With health as the new currency, having a balanced diet plays an integral role in every path to wellness. What a balanced diet means, though, is open for interpretation. Clinical Nutritionist and Spokesperson for Nordic Naturals, Warren Maginn, shares his simplified guide to a balanced diet.

A balanced diet should contain a mix of vegetables, protein, carbohydrates and foods rich in omega-3s. Proportion is key to getting the ‘balance’ right.

Here are a few things to keep in mind when meal planning.

1. Colour Your Dinner Plate

Regardless of your fitness/weight loss goals, every diet should have a sufficient amount of vegetables. For the average adult, 5 serves of vegetables is the recommended amount. You can improve the nutritional value of your vegetables by steaming your vegetables. Each serve should be the size of your fist.

2. Fish for Your Omega-3s

Our body relies on the foods we eat for omega-3s, as they do not naturally occur in the body. As such it is essential to eat a diet rich in omega-3s. Opt for foods that are rich in essential fatty acids (EFAs), which help keep cells healthy by transporting nutrients in and wastes out. Omegas in skin cells are important for helping to retain moisture, promoting cell turnover, distributing melanin evenly, and helping to reduce free radicals that can cause damage and ageing effects. Omega-3s have numerous additional health benefits ranging from supporting heart and brain health to promoting optimal metabolism and immunity. It’s recommended we have three serves of oily, cold-water fish such as salmon, tuna or mackerel every week, but if this is a challenge, go for a high-quality, scientifically proven omega-3 fish oil supplement to support inner and outer health.

3. A Fruitful Diet

Although fruit contains essential vitamins and minerals, your body doesn’t require more than 2 serves a day due to the high sugar content. Opting for fruits that are low glycemic index (GI) will allow you to have more variety whilst still keeping within the boundaries of the adequate amount. A bowl of cherries or a few slices of grapefruit are a great snack.

4. Don’t Ditch the Carbs

Don’t be swayed by the idea that in order to maintain a healthy diet you must cut out carbs. Carbohydrates with low GI such as whole grains and quinoa are slow in releasing energy whereas “white” carbohydrates could cause a spike in your blood sugar levels leaving you feeling hungrier sooner rather than later. Opt for carbs in the morning rather than later in the evening as your body does not produce enough energy to burn them off.

5. Proteins That Pack a Punch

Protein is the building block of every healthy diet and can be sourced from animals, lentils, beans, tofu and dairy. Grains such as brown rice are a good source of protein and contain essential amino acids, which aid in muscle repair. It is also low GI meaning you stay full for longer. When considering meat as a source of protein, avoid processed meats, which are full of nasty preservatives. You should opt to buy organic where possible.

For more info, please visit

Always speak to your doctor before changing your diet, taking any supplements or undertaking any exercise program. The information on this site is for reference only and is not medical advice and should not be treated as such, and is not intended in any way as a substitute for professional medical advice.

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Eat well to make the most of Dry July

By Anne Finch on

Taking a break from booze is absolutely one of the best things you can do for your health. Not only are you giving your liver (and other organs!) a break, but you can expect these benefits:

  • Better sleep – alcohol might help us fall asleep, but it leads to poorer quality sleep
  • Less bar snacks – drinking stirs hunger, and can also lead to sub-optimal food choices (I’m looking at you late-night doner kebab)
  • Less hangover remedies – greasy bacon and eggs, sugary drinks and fast food are pretty common on Sunday morning, meaning the effects of your weekend drag on
  • More movement – not being glued to the couch recovering means more opportunities to get out and about

If you’re looking for even more ways to treat your body right, we’ve got some...

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Ditch the diet pressure and think health this year

By Gael Myers on

It's that time of the year when we frown at the string of festive feasts and resolve to lose 20 kilos. We sign up for the gym, throw money at the fad program with the fastest weight loss claims and vow that this year will be different. Come the end of January, reality sets in and the only number going down is our bank account.

LiveLighter have shared three tips to refresh your New Year's resolution thinking and help you feel great in 2021.

1. It's not you, it's them

Most of us can stick to a crazy-restrictive diet for a while and lose a little weight. When we go back to our lifelong habits the kilos spring back on and we beat ourselves up about our lack of self-control. The truth is that being overly restrictive about what we eat does...

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Healthy Foods on Supermarket Shelves

By Cindy O’Meara on

It’s easy to feel confused by the labeling on foods these days. And especially with products in organic grocery stores. They bring up more questions than they answer. Are they really worth the money? Are they actually a wonder ingredient? Will this overhyped product solve all my problems, make me super healthy and save me from Friday night’s alcohol binge? With this in mind, let’s step away from the bright lights and clever packaging, and look at some of the basic foods found in regular supermarkets, and how they can supercharge our health. Here’s some you’ll find in my basket:

1 - Cauliflower

A member of the brassica family, cauliflower is rich in sulfur containing nutrients and glucosinates, to reduce inflammation and support liver...

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